Posting on a blog is quite a new thing for me, and while it ruffles me slightly, it doesn't seem to bother Olive at all. She's laying on the floor with her feet in the air snoozing. Ahhh, what a life cats lead. They never seem to be bothered by much.
Sometimes, I wish that I had her stamina, her determination. She knows who she is, and she knows what she wants. She asks for things, and even when she doesn't get them, she's patient.
She has never had to fight with food during her life. I bet she has never thought, "I wonder what happens to me if I eat _____________." I bet she has never had to plan out her eating schedule to the nth degree in order to make herself comfortable. I can even guarantee that she has never had a knock-down, drag-out fight with ED.
What a life!
If anyone has her determination it is you and to share your story for the well being of others is spectacular...I admire your strength and wisdom. I will be right here for your journey and if you ever need a helping hand you know where to find me. Keep the faith...I know you will:D Cindy